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Our Projects

Some of Major Project undertaken by SIG Member Companies:

  • Reconstruction of Abdul-Nassir Secondary School Project in the Capital City,
  • Sana'a. , Undertaken by Academic Experts Engineering Services Co.
  • Zabid City Storm Water Drainage & Street Pavement Project, Undertaken
  • by Academic Experts Engineering Services Co.
  • Al-Mansari Residential Complex constructional design and supervision
  • project, Undertaken by Academic Experts Engineering Services Co.
  • Lighting of the Streets Abian Governance Project, Undertaken by World
  • Lights Electrical Equipments and Materials Co.
  • Construction of Alkhaled Tower Project (Under Planning) Sana'a. A Future
  • investment Project to be Undertaken by Collaboration between Alkahled
  • Ekhawn Constructional & Real Estate Investment Co. and Academic Experts
  • Engineering Services Co.